Pedana FreeMed

Postural control and balance in a cohort of healthy people living in Europe

Abstract: In the past 20 years, posturography has been widely used in the medical field. This observational study aimed to report the values derived from posturography of a wide set of healthy subjects from various European countries using a plantar pressure platform and a standardized method of measurement. A random cluster sampling of 914 healthy …

Postural control and balance in a cohort of healthy people living in Europe Read More »

Influence of physical activity on posturographic parameters and muscular characteristics in children with GH deficiency

Purpose: Several studies have been assessed children with GH deficiency in exercise testing It is known that physical activity increases GH secretion Muscular strength, power and postural characteristics represent health related fitness characteristics The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of physical activity in GH deficient young patients on posturographic parameters …

Influence of physical activity on posturographic parameters and muscular characteristics in children with GH deficiency Read More »

Some relationship between postural measures and cognitive functions

Introduction: Balance is a process determined by an integration of multiple afferent stimuli from visual, vestibular stomatognathic and somatosensorial systems These afferences produce a continuous response of the tonic postural system in order to control body stability during the spontaneous sway in standing position The body’s posture is also related with the plantar pressure and …

Some relationship between postural measures and cognitive functions Read More »

Pain Perception and Stabilometric Parameters in People with Chronic Low Back Pain After a Pilates Exercise Program

Abstract: Various exercise interventions, such as Pilates exercises and traditional physical therapy methods, are employed to decrease low back pain (LBP). Nonspecific low back pain (NSLBP) is distinct from LBP, however, as the distribution of pain is restricted to the region between the costal margin and the inferior gluteal. The aim of our randomized controlled …

Pain Perception and Stabilometric Parameters in People with Chronic Low Back Pain After a Pilates Exercise Program Read More »

Ocena postawy ciała i symetrii obciążenia stóp u zawodników uprawiających strzelectwo sportowe

Streszczenie: Sport od zawsze identyfikowany był jako czynnik działający prozdrowotnie na organizm. Jednak uprawianie sportu na poziomie zawodowym od najmłodszych lat, wiąże się także z negatywnymi skutkami, najczęściej dotykającymi aparat ruchu. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena wpływu wyczynowego strzelectwa sportowego na zmiany powstające w obrębie postawy ciała oraz zaburzenia w rozkładzie obciążeń przenoszonych przez kończyny …

Ocena postawy ciała i symetrii obciążenia stóp u zawodników uprawiających strzelectwo sportowe Read More »

Is Bodyweight affecting posturography in children aged between 9 and 11 years? Evidences of a pilot intervention

Aim: The present inves’ga’on aimed at the evalua’on of the posturographic parameters in a sample of children of both sexes with the aim to better understand if posturography can be adopted and useful during school age period. Methods: A number of 74 children (10,2±0,7 yrs; 145,7±8,7 cm; 42,2±9,9 kg;) aQending 6th grade school have been …

Is Bodyweight affecting posturography in children aged between 9 and 11 years? Evidences of a pilot intervention Read More »

Musculatura estabilitzadora de l’extremitat inferior – estudi de la influencia de les sinergies muscolars de la cama en relacio a la patologia de turmell – pag117

L’esquinç dels lligaments laterals del turmell és una de les lesions que de manera més freqüent es registra a nivell de l’extremitat inferior. Els individus que han patit aquesta lesió acostumen a mostrar alteracions de l’equilibri postural i de la capacitat de percebre l’articulació estable, cosa que fa augmentar el risc de patir de nou …

Musculatura estabilitzadora de l’extremitat inferior – estudi de la influencia de les sinergies muscolars de la cama en relacio a la patologia de turmell – pag117 Read More »

Postural Stability and Subsequent Sports Injuries during Indoor Season of Athletes

Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze stabilometry in athletes during an indoor season in order to determine whether injured athletes show different stabilometric values before injury than non-injured athletes in two different training periods (volume and pre-competition periods). Subject: The subjects were 51 athletes from Unicaja athletic club who trained regularly. [Methods] …

Postural Stability and Subsequent Sports Injuries during Indoor Season of Athletes Read More »

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